
Read the Blog



Alyssa & Travis


May 11, 2017

Hey there beautiful friends! Mothers Day is right around the corner, and if your anything like us, it’s a little difficult trying to find the PERFECT gift for our super important mommas! What do you get a person who has literally given you EVERYTHING?! Well, we have a few ideas on what a creative ( or any momma for that matter ) may love to get on the day that celebrates JUST HER!!!

  1. Chatbooks YES PLEASE!! So it’s no surprise that we are completely OBSESSED with Chatbooks! We order one once a month for $8.99 and its like Christmas every time it comes in the mail! Chatbooks are little square books that have all of our pictures printed neatly inside of them! With the price & great quality, this is a winner winner chicken dinner! Pick up to 60 of your favorite Facebook, Instagram or pictures that have been sitting on your desktop, and create a book that will warm your momma’s heart! You can head here to start creating!

 2. Treat Yo Momma!! Okay so this next one is for all those mommas who LOVE some pampering! AKA like ALL MOMMAS 😉 These are my FAVORITE pampering skin care and makeup goodies that I absolutely love when Trav surprises me with!! You can head over to Saphora and get some special discounts on most of these items!!

3. Print, Print, Print!! Okay this is hands down my FAVORITE gift to get on Mothers Day! If you’re anything like me, you take a TON of pictures but you NEVER print them!! Guilty as charged over here! It’s SO easy, yet I never do it!! This is my second Mothers Day, and last year Trav printed and framed some of my FAVORITE pictures of Charlotte and our family! He also had Char paint me a picture and he framed that too! I’m not kidding, friends, I sobbed like a BABY!! It’s so inexpensive and the thought and love that went behind it just made this mommas heart swell with joy!

4. Succulents for the win! Okay so I’m just assuming that everyone has an undying love for succulents like I do!! They are easy to keep alive and make my home look pretty and green! I seriously do not have a green thumb, so these are the ONLY kind of plants I ask for on special occasions, such as Mother’s Day! They are fairly inexpensive too! We ALWAY go to a local greenhouse or farmers market, such as Piney Creek Green House in Martinsburg, Pa! You can also make super yummy cupcakes and just put the succulents on top… I’m sure your creative momma would really appreciate that 😉 !!

Happy almost Mothers Day, sweet friends! If nothing else just hug the snot outta your mom! She’s pretty dang awesome!

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