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Alyssa & Travis

the truth about maternity leave and running a successful business

March 15, 2018

Filed in: mommas & babies

Oh friends, what a joyful season of life we are walking through right now! This was the last week of my maternity leave, and I wanted to share all the real truths that come along with taking an 8 week sabbatical while still running a successful business!

So first, can we just talk about what our bodies have to go through to bring little tiny humans into this world?!?! Having a baby is no joke. Whether it’s your first baby or your fifth, a maternity leave is SO necessary for your new little love bug, and your postpartum mind/body. But, if you’re anything like me, hustling and rest is a hard balance to find, and the thought of taking any time off let alone TWO MONTHS is a little daunting. Okay…like a lot daunting if we’re keeping it real!! So I’ve put together some tips on how to keep your business running efficiently and successfully, all while protecting your time during this crazy transition with a newborn!


Saying No is Okay!


This is your time momma!! These last two months my camera has been used for family only!


I cannot begin to tell you how unbelievably hard it was for me to say no to all the fun shoots I was asked/wanted to be apart of these last 8 weeks! If I’m being 100% honest ( and this post is all about that honesty life ) I felt if I said no to anything my business would fail. Point blank, I thought I would get to the end of this maternity leave with nothing left of the business I have been tirelessly working on for the last three years!


Friends, that is a big fat lie!! Don’t believe it!! If anything, my business has only been more successful because I was intentional with my time!! The cutest little person we just welcomed into the world is pretty darn needy, and my mind and body have been tired! But because I have taken this time to rest, I have been able to love and serve my family AND my clients with the very best version of myself!


Emails, Bookings and Blog Prepping


So here’s the deal! I didn’t not work these last 8 weeks! Actually I worked really hard! It just looked so different compared to the last three years I’ve grown my little business! Instead of shooting and editing 60+ hours a week, I answered emails while feeding my newborn at 2am. I was booking weddings and getting ahead of scheduling my sessions for the next year and a half, while they napped. My blog is now fully prepped until next years wedding season because I woke up an hour before my babies did some mornings! All the areas my business sometimes falls short, I made the time to grow and work on! I got to be home with my babies and pour into them, all while STILL being successful and growing as an entrepreneur! Take this time to work on areas you usually can’t find time for! Take that online editing and posing class you’ve been eyeing up! Your business will thank you in the long run for being intentional, all while loving on your babies!


Social Media


Oh social media! I love and hate you all at the same time!! I sometimes give you the power to make me feel really good or really crappy about myself! How lame is that?

There is just SO. MUCH. PRESSURE!!

So I made a rule for myself these last 8 weeks! I did not post ANYTHING on weekends!! Actually I only posted about 3-4 times a week and they were all about my babies!! I’m serious, go look!! I said to heck with the pressure!! I just couldn’t take it!! I usually post every day and it’s scheduled a week in advance…nope not this new momma of two! I posted what I wanted to post, when I wanted to post it, and the funny thing is, my social media platforms have performed 50 times better than it EVER has!! I’m 100% convinced that human beings love the real and authentic parts of our life so much more than the pretend perfect! So this is something I will continue to strive for even after my maternity leave!! YAY!!!


Don’t Play That Comparison Game!


I see you sweet momma! Your tired eyes and unwashed hair, sitting on the couch waiting for the next whimper of that little bundle of joy! You’re in your glory, until you see it! The highlights of someone else’s life have got you feeling that ugly word we don’t want to say out loud! Jealousy is literally the thief of all joy! Don’t give in to that comparison game, friend! You are doing wonderful things too! Keeping little people alive doesn’t always look ” Instagram worthy “


Stay in your lane, and know that celebrating others success will not kill your own! Your business is thriving in a healthy way while you transition into motherhood! Breathe! You totally got this momma!!

comments +

  1. Oh Alyssa! This is incredible! I’m not a mama yet, but can’t wait to share this motherhood/boss lady journey with you! Thank you for sharing your heart and keeping it real! XOXQ

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